The delegation said they were all facing new challenges and realized the need to use intellectual property as an instrument that enabled them to be more competitive. 该代表团说他们正在面临新的挑战并且已经意识到需要把知识产权作为一种工具以使其国家更具有竞争性。
Before going to England to live, he realized all his property in this country. 在去英国生活之前,他变卖了他在这个国家的所有财产。
Kant realized that, in the field of inner freedom, Rousseau abolished the its property of self-determination, but attributed freedom to nature and emotional conscience as principle of freedom. 康德认为卢梭在内在自由领域内放弃了自由的自主性质,将自由归结为自然,视情感性的良心为自由的原则。
Fujian has spent three years in collective-owned forestry property rights system reform, it has basically realized the gradual reform goal: the defined property rights and 'equal mountain, equal forest'. 福建经过三年的集体林业产权制度改革,基本上实现了明晰林业产权,均山均林的阶段性改革目标。
The outcome of technological innovation should be realized in patent, capital, commodity and market and be protected by intellectual property rights system. 技术创新成果要实现权利化、资本化、商品化和市场化,运用知识产权制度的保护尤为重要。
At transmitter the quasi-orthogonal discrete information symbols sequence is transmitted over the channel above, and the orthogonal separation is realized according to the quasi-orthogonal property of information symbols at receiver. 发送端利用上述信道进行时域波形准正交的离散信息符号序列传输;接收端根据信息符号波形的准正交特性,实现准正交分离。
The global optimization is realized by dynamical programming and its embedding property, so that automatic segmentation and precise object location can be obtained. 同时,动态规划的嵌入特性,保证了图像分割的全局最优化,实现了图像轮廓线的精确定位和自动分割。
The basic way of thought is that the layered management of the geological environmental data is realized by means of making the best use of the powerful spacial graph and property data management ability of GIS. 其基本思路是充分利用GIS强大的空间图形和属性数据管理功能,实现对地质环境数据的分层次管理。
According to the authors CRE formed a grid network rapidly with very low cost, realized the complete control of the whole express service process through property rights adjustment, and became the real transport enterprise full of vigor in the state owned railway system. 作者认为,中铁快运低成本地快速形成了网格状的空间组织形式,并通过产权关系的不断调整实现了对快递运输的全程控制,成为国铁系统中具有真正意义并充满活力的运输企业。
This result of the game means that the improvement of the efficiency of allocating financial resources could be realized, under the condition of not changing the property structure of state financial system, by supporting ( at least not suppressing) the non-state financial institutions. 这一博弈结果意味着提高金融资源配置效率可以在不改变国有金融制度的产权结构下,通过扶植(或至少不压制)非国有金融机构来实现。
The application feature of property economics is realized as its specific content of policy, blending economic theory and property policy. 产业经济学的应用性质突出地表现在产业经济学研究具有明确的政策含义,融产业经济理论与产业政策为一体。
From the position of curriculum design, changed the questions, realized the tower of form of studying from the nature of Chinese to the property of Chinese curriculum and posed the reasonable means of studying the property of curriculum. 从课程设计立场出发,进行问题转换,实现从语文学科性质研究向语文课程属性研究的格式塔式转换,提出研究语文课程属性的合理方式。
Making use of extended entity data chains list of AutoCAD, this paper has realized visual and rapid parametric modeling method on an understanding of graphic property. 在AutoCAD平台上,着重于对图形本质的理解,采用扩充实体数据链表,实现了直观、方便的参数化设计建模。
Also, basic operations on ternary logic in post algebra are realized using three-layer feed-forward robust neural networks based on its classification property, accordingly arbitrary ternary logical functions can be realized. 根据感知器神经元的分类特点,采用三层前向稳健感知器神经网络实现了三值格代数系统中的基本运算,从而也实现了任意三值逻辑函数。
It can run stably on various Windows's operating system, higher safety, reliability and accuracy are realized. And it possesses good transplant property and friendly man-machine interface. 软件可在各种Windows操作系统平台上面稳定运行,具有较高安全性、可靠性、准确性,且具有良好的可移植性、友好的人机交互界面。
The supremacy of law over power is realized under the constitutional system. The Land Property Right and the Constitutional Government Republic: From the Perspective of Land Property Right Formed in the England Constitutional Government 宪政制度则实现了法律对权力的支配与控制。土地产权与宪政共和&英国宪政制度形成的产权视角
The experimental results indicate that the system is apt to be realized because of its fair dynamic property, compact hardware and software structures and good opening property. 实验结果表明,系统易于实现,动态性能良好,软硬件结构紧凑,具有很好的开放性。
Therefore to establish a harmonious society where essential liberty and equality can be realized, measures must be taken to restrict absolute property right. 因此,为了建立实现实质自由和平等的和谐社会,必须采取措施对绝对的财产权利加以限制。
Octonary Tree Single Ball Compounding Model was applied to virtual NC system that realized fast collide detection and fulfills real-time property. 八叉树单球组合模型应用于本文讨论的数控仿真系统中,实现了碰撞干涉的快速检测,满足了数控仿真系统的实时性要求。
Then by using the model of double directional principal agent relationship, it is suggested that for public ownership enterprises, the double optimal objective could be realized through a moving process, in which the property rights are restructured to prompt the improvement of corporate governance. 然后,利用双向委托&代理关系的理论框架,提出了在公有制条件下,通过产权结构重组来带动治理结构的完善,在互动中实现优化目标的思路。
Through the study of the hydro-mechanical parameters of continuua, it is realized that hydro-mechanical parameters of continuua have two properties, the first is tensor property, and the other is constant property. 通过对连续介质水力学参数的研究,总结出了连续介质水力学参数所具备的两个特性:张量特性和常量特性。
However, when the creditor's right is realized, peasant household will also enjoy the property right to occupy, use, harvest and partly dispose the farmland, thus leading to a new property right, which is called "access to farmland". 然而,当这一债权实现之后,农户又享有了对该农地占有、使用、收益以及一定处分的用益物权,产生了一种新物权,这便是农地使用权。
On one side, it refers to interior governance, which is so-called corporate juridical person governance structure. That is realized by the arrangement of corporate inside property rights system. 公司治理的含义包含两个层次,一个层次是指内部治理,即通常所称的公司法人治理结构,通过公司内部产权制度安排来实现;
Then the design of plasma-column antenna system is realized according to the simulation results of the electromagnetic property of excitation and signal frequency inside the structure, including the plasma parameters, the dimension of plasma-column antenna, the coupling modes and the HF/ VHF filters. 2. 应用仿真软件研究了激励频率和信号频率在耦合腔体中的电磁特性,并根据仿真结果实现了柱形等离子体天线系统的结构设计,包括等离子体参数、天线尺寸、天线耦合模式、HF/VHF频段滤波器等。
In this double-decked transaction market, we have realized the Connection between the property right transaction and the ecology construction compensation. 双层产权交易市场实现了产权交易和生态建设补偿的成功对接。
The application construction, which is designed and realized in this article, uses the specific property of Web Services, and integrates the transaction resource middleware adapter and Web service together. Thus it makes the interactions between systems more efficiently. 本文设计和实现的应用架构,利用了WebServices的特性,把事务资源适配器和WebServices紧密的结合在一起,从而更高效地实现系统的交互。
And it has realized the auto welding assembling based on the joint property. 实现了接头特征设计及基于接头特征的自动焊接装配。
In the process of rapid developing time, it is gradually realized by COFCO Property that EIP system enjoys the advantage of boosting its management and the real estate business to a new higher level. 中粮地产在高速发展的过程中,逐渐认识了EIP对地产业务系统、公司管理水平的巨大推进作用。
In subjective respect, the main issues are: first, does the amount factor of property crimes need to be realized; second, how to do with a mistake about property amount; third, how to differentiate the illegal purpose of possession and of utilization. 在主观方面,难题集中在以下几个方面:第一,财产犯罪的数额是否需要认识;第二,数额认识错误如何处理;第三,非法占有目的与非法占用目的的区别何在。
But people soon realized that intellectual property should be able to play a greater function, therefore, the financing of intellectual property rights under the guarantee will be there in the multi-test. 但是人们很快意识到知识产权应当能够发挥更大的功用,因此,知识产权融资担保便在多方试验下出现了。